Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What will life be like....?

Hello once again! :)
Previously, I have written a blog post about Jem, stating that I wanted to make friends with him as I was curious to see what it was like in the past. Thus, out of enjoyment, I decided to make this blog post! :D
Well, what will life be like without computers?
I think computers are extremely important nowadays. With no computers, I wouldn't even be blogging now! Also, people nowadays are unable to make good use of the computers, and gets themselves addicted to games. Without computers, I am quite sure there would be less cases about people having severe depression. And I, also think that most of my students, and myself would perform better in school. With computers, you can do anything, and everything. Even if you are not addicted, and is just doing some science project, you can go on the internet and search. As you search, curiosity makes you want to read more. Well, I think I should stop thinking about the negative points of computers. With computers, projects are also easily done. The projects that are done are much more informative than the projects without using computers. Well, I am not making an assumption here, but hey, without computers, your only source which you can get information from without the help of others, are books. It's quite hard to find the right book. Thus, without computers, it would be a little more inconvenient to us, and there will be more depression cases. Haha joking! :D
Thus, I think that life would be a little more convenient with computers, but using the computer wrongly might have a bad effect on someone.

Yuding (:


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